technology wiki:
>See also: Innovation Technology is a word with origins in the Greek word technologia (ÏεÏνολογια), techne (ÏεÏνη) "craft" + logia (λογια) "saying". It is an encompassing term dealing with the knowledge of humanity's tools and crafts. Depending on context, technology is:the techniques (knowledge) that includes methods, materials, tools, and processes for solving a problem (such as building technology or medical technology);the result of objectifying nature (due to lack of contentment with it) which has led humanity into an age of dependancy upon their created machines -- the system of technology seeks to strenghen and perpetuate itself even at the expense of it's creators who often don't fully understand the consequences of their actions (because of a socially limiting division of labor). a culture-forming (or destroying) activity (such as manufacturing technology, infrastructure technology, or space-travel technology). (McGinn)an encompasing term to describe the level of achievement in science, mathematics and engineering of a group or culture. This would not include primitive societies which, although sustainable, are often destroyed by unsustainable technological economics, technology is the current state of our knowledge of how to combine resources to produce desired products (and our knowledge of what can be produced).
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motion wiki:
>This article is about motion in physics. See also motion (legal), motion (democracy) and Apple Motion. In physics, motion means a change in the position of a body with respect to time, as measured by a particular observer in a particular frame of reference. Until the end of the 19th century, Newton's laws of motion, which he posited as axioms or postulates in his famous Principia, were the basis of what has since become known as classical physics. Calculations of trajectories and forces of bodies in motion based on Newtonian or classical physics were very successful until physicists began to be able to measure and observe very fast physical phenomena.
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