colorful wiki:
orful is an 16-episode anime directed by Shun Nakahara and based on the manga by Kishi Torajiro. The episodes are made up of vignettes involving men and teenage boys attempting to catch a glimpse of women's panties and/or look down their blouses. The episodes are fast-paced, manic and very short (about 7 minutes each) and filled with ecchi comedy. Anime fans tend to either love or hate the anime as it is considered either wildly funny or tasteless and depraved.
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Origami wiki:
ami (æãç´ or æç´ origami "paper folding") is the art of Japanese paper folding. The word literally means "paper folding" in Japanese and refers to all types of paper folding, even those of non-Japanese origin.Origami only uses a small number of different folds, but they can be combined in a variety of ways to make intricate designs. In general, these designs begin with a square sheet of paper, whose sides may be different colors, and proceed without cutting the paper. Contrary to most popular belief, traditional Japanese origami, which has been practiced since the Edo era (1603-1867), has often been less strict about these conventions, sometimes cutting the paper during the creation of the design (Kirigami åãç´) or starting with a rectangular, circular, or other non-square sheets of paper.
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