colorful wiki:
orful is an 16-episode anime directed by Shun Nakahara and based on the manga by Kishi Torajiro. The episodes are made up of vignettes involving men and teenage boys attempting to catch a glimpse of women's panties and/or look down their blouses. The episodes are fast-paced, manic and very short (about 7 minutes each) and filled with ecchi comedy. Anime fans tend to either love or hate the anime as it is considered either wildly funny or tasteless and depraved.
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arrow wiki:
>For other uses, see Arrow (disambiguation). An arrow is a pointed projectile that is shot with a bow. It predates recorded history and is common to most cultures. An arrow consists of a long and thin shaft made formerly of wood and now also from aluminium or carbon fiber composite. It is pointed or armed with an arrowhead at one end and with a nock or notch in the other. Arrowheads fit hunting and military purpose better than a mere point, which is mostly useful for target-shooting. Near the notch end are vanes which keep the arrow pointed in the direction of travel. There are often three vanes but many fletchings have four or even more. They were originally made from feathers but are now often made of plastic.
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target wiki:
[arget can signify:from ca. 1400 a light shield, being the diminutive of targe.From the 18th century, an object which is aimed or fired at, originally in archery, later also in artillery.A stated goal, e.g. in business, education or organisational objectivesAn object or victim of criticism, bullying or crimeA biological target, usually an enzyme or other protein (for pharmacologically active compounds)A conservation target, usually specific biodiversity targets (e.g., species, ecological communities, and ecological systems) that an conservation organization has chosen to concentrate on protecting.One of the Target Stores in the United StatesOne of the Target Stores in AustraliaA SCSI endpointA railroad signal indicating the position of a switchThe sliding sight on a surveyor's levelling rodTarget is a commune of the Allier département in FranceTARGET 3001! is the registered trademark of a popular CAD software for PCBs developed by Ing.-Buero FRIEDRICHTarget, 2004 film with Stephen Baldwin
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