duck wiki:
>For other uses, see Duck (disambiguation). Dendrocygninae Oxyurinae Anatinae Merginae Duck is the common name for a number of species in the Anatidae bird family. The ducks are divided between several different subfamilies listed in full in the Anatidae article. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than their relatives the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh and salt water.
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expression wiki:
pression may refer to:(in the vernacular) the act or particular way of expressing something (including an emotion through a facial expression or configuration)(in mathematics) a mathematical expression(in computing) a programming language expression(in computing) a vector graphics software Microsoft Expression(in genetics) the effect produced by a gene: gene expression(in grammar) a particular phrase or cliché, whose meaning may be interpretive or idiomatic.(in psychology) the act of expressing emotions.(in industry) obtaining liquids from raw materials through the application of physical pressure
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