kitten wiki:
[erm kitten (Old English genitive of Cat) most commonly refers to a pre-adolescent cat. It may also refer to a young rabbit, rat, hedgehog or squirrel. This article discusses kittens of the domestic cat.
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roof wiki:
[he top covering of a building that prevents the ingress of weather into the building interior. Roof designs come in 'pitched', 'low slope' or 'flat' form; however, roofs should never be truly flat. Flat roofs are commonly found on industrial/commercial type structures while low slope is found on pre-fabricated or steel structures such as arenas. Pitched roofs are the primary design found on residential homes. The most common type of flat roof for industrial/commercial structures are the conventional built-up-roof (BUR) assembly and the protected roof membrane assembly (PMRA)The most popular roof membranes are the 4ply (felt and asphalt), the 2 ply modifued bitumum and the single plies such as the elastomeric (EPDM) and thermal plastic (PVC), drains provide run off for rain and snow.
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night wiki:
>This article describes the time of day. For the work by Elie Wiesel, see Night (book). For the Norse goddess see Nótt. Night is the time when a location is facing away from the Sun, and thus dark. On Earth, it is night on just under half the planet at any time. When it is night on one side of the planet, it is day on the other side. Because of the rotation of Earth about its axis, it is alternately day and night, which together form a 24-hour day. The Earth's tilt also means that the nights are shorter in the seasons of summer and longer in winter.
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