sea wiki:
ay stand for:Southeast AsiaThe IATA airport code for Seattle-Tacoma International AirportTwo different aircraft manufacturers named Société d'Etudes Aéronautiques, one French, one BelgianSingle European ActSoluble Egg Antigen (Schistosomiasis)Strategic Environmental AssessmentSouthern Economic Association
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fly wiki:
>This article is about the insect. For other meanings, see Fly (disambiguation) As defined by entomologists, a fly (plural flies) is any species of insect of the order Diptera, some of which can land on food and transmit bacteria to humans. A few, like Ormia ochracea, have very advanced hearing organs. Flies are common amongst humans and have caused many diseases to spread in the past. The house-fly (Musca domestica) and mosquito are particularly common amongst humans. Other flies, such as the horse-fly (Family Tabanidae), can inflict painful bites. The larva of a fly is commonly called a maggot.
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