rose red courage dragon clip art circle with White background


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rose red courage dragon clip art circle with White background.

This vector resource includes the following elements:

Art,courage,dragon,clip art


This vector contains the following main colors: Lemon Chiffon,White,Stiletto,Celeste,Persian Red,Hampton,Red Berry


    Art courage dragon clip art Lemon Chiffon White Stiletto Celeste Persian Red Hampton Red Berry

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courage wiki:
e is the ability to confront fear in the face of pain, danger, uncertainty or intimidation. As a virtue, courage is covered extensively in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics, its vice of deficiency being cowardice, and its vice of excess being recklessness.The precise view of what constitutes courage not only varies among cultures, but among individuals. For instance, some define courage as lacking fear in a situation that would normally generate it. Others, in contrast, hold that courage requires one to have fear and then overcome it.There are also more subtle distinctions in the definition of courage. For example, some distinguish between courage and foolhardiness in that a courageous person overcomes a justifiable fear for an even more noble purpose. If the fear is not justifiable or the purpose not noble, then the courage is either false, or foolhardy. See more at

dragon wiki:
on is a mythological creature, typically depicted as a large and powerful serpent or other reptile, with magical or spiritual qualities. See more at

clip art wiki:
ip art, in the graphic arts, is the use of images either copied or physically cut (hence the term) from pre-existing printed works, either books that have entered the public domain, or books specifically published for such use (which, if they contain images that are not in the public domain, include a license fee in the cover price). It is also not uncommon for large organizations to provide their local divisions or chapters with clip art (either physical or electronic) of their logos, mascots, and so forth, in order that local publications may have a unified appearance. It is also rather common for those producing documents with limited distribution to use images from non-public-domain sources for which they have not paid license fees, such as coloring books, newspapers, magazines, and such, although some magazines, particularly those dealing with hobbies will publish images explicitly licensed to the magazine purchaser for use as clip art. See more at

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