Person Riding Camel on desert clip art


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Person Riding Camel on desert clip art.

This vector resource includes the following elements:



This vector contains the following main colors: White,Black,Celeste,Mine Shaft,Ironside Gray,Mountain Mist,Gun Powder


    Art Person Camel Riding White Black Celeste Mine Shaft Ironside Gray Mountain Mist Gun Powder

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Person wiki:
>For other senses of this word, see person (disambiguation). Person, in the classic sense, refers to a living human being. However, in philosophy, there has been debate over the precise meaning and correct usage of the term, whether the classical definition should be expanded or in some cases reduced, and which constituent elements or criteria must exist to establish personhood. See more at

desert wiki:
eography">geography, a desert is a landscape form or region that receives little precipitation - less than 250 mm per year. Deserts have a reputation for supporting very little life. Compared to wetter regions this may be true, although upon closer examination, deserts often harbor a wealth of life that usually remains hidden (especially during the daylight) to preserve moisture. Approximately one-third of Earth's land surface is desert. (See a map of the world's non-polar deserts, See more at

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