crow wiki:
>For other uses, see Crow (disambiguation). See text The true crows are in the genus Corvus; they are large Passerine birds. As a group they show remarkable examples of intelligence; it would not be at all an exaggeration to characterize crows as being to birds what higher primates (including humans) are are to mammals. They also top the avian IQ scale[1]. Crows and ravens often score very highly on intelligence tests. Crows in the northwestern US (a blend of Corvus brachyrhynchos and Corvus caurinus) show modest linguistic capabilities and the ability to relay information over great distances, live in complex, hierarchic societies involving hundreds of individuals with various "occupations", and have an intense rivalry with the area's less socially-advanced ravens. One species, the New Caledonian Crow, has recently been intensively studied because of its ability to manufacture and use its own tools in the day-to-day search for food.
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fly wiki:
>This article is about the insect. For other meanings, see Fly (disambiguation) As defined by entomologists, a fly (plural flies) is any species of insect of the order Diptera, some of which can land on food and transmit bacteria to humans. A few, like Ormia ochracea, have very advanced hearing organs. Flies are common amongst humans and have caused many diseases to spread in the past. The house-fly (Musca domestica) and mosquito are particularly common amongst humans. Other flies, such as the horse-fly (Family Tabanidae), can inflict painful bites. The larva of a fly is commonly called a maggot.
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outline wiki:
[line is a prose telling of a story intended to be turned into a screenplay. It is generally longer and more detailed than a treatment but shorter and less detailed than a step outline.Outlines are also written for research papers. They both help the writer to organize their ideas and a summary which shows the logical flow of the paper. There are facetious versions of Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech written in outline form for a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, which shows the gulf between an outline and the prose version of the concepts in an outline.
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