Snake wiki:
>For other uses, see Snake (disambiguation). HenophidiaAniliidaeAnomochilidaeBoidaeBolyeriidaeCylindrophiidaeLoxocemidaePythonidaeTropidophiidaeUropeltidaeXenopeltidaeTyphlopoideaAnomalepididaeLeptotyphlopidaeTyphlopidaeXenophidiaAcrochordidaeAtractaspididaeColubridaeElapidaeHydrophiidaeViperidae Snakes are cold blooded legless reptiles closely related to lizards, which share the order Squamata. There are also several species of legless lizard which superficially resemble snakes, but are not otherwise related to them. A love of snakes is called ophiophilia, a fear of snakes is called ophidiophobia (or snakephobia), a specialist in snakes is an ophiologist.
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Tiger wiki:
>For other uses, see Tiger (disambiguation). Tigers (Panthera tigris) are mammals of the Felidae family and one of four "big cats" in the Panthera genus. A group of tigers is called an "ambush" or a "streak". They are predatory carnivores and the largest of all living cats. Most tigers live in forests and grasslands (for which their camouflage is ideally suited). Among the big cats, only the tiger and jaguar are strong swimmers, and tigers are often found bathing in ponds, lakes and rivers. Tigers hunt alone and eat primarily medium-sized herbivores such as deer, wild pigs, and buffalo. However, they will also take larger or smaller prey on occasion. Humans are the tiger's only serious enemy and often kill tigers illegally for their fur or penises, which are used as aphrodisiacs in Chinese Medicine. Poaching for fur and destruction of habitat have greatly reduced tiger populations and it has been placed on the endangered species list.
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Tortoise wiki:
>For other uses, see Tortoise (disambiguation). Chersina Dipsochelys Furculachelys Geochelone Gopherus Homopus Indotestudo Kinixys Malacochersus Manouria Psammobates Pyxis Testudo The tortoise is a land-dwelling reptile which is of the order Testudines. As with its aquatic cousins, the turtle and the terrapin, the tortoise is shielded from predators by a shell. The top part of the shell is called the carapace, the underside is the plastron, and the two are connected by the bridge. The tortoise has both an endoskeleton and an exoskeleton.
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