anima wiki:
a is used variously:Anima literally means spirit, soul, or breath of life. It is from this root that we get such words as Animal and Animation.According to Carl Jung, the anima is the feminine side of a man's personal unconsciousness.Anima is also the name of an aeon (a summoned creature) in the video games Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2.Anima is also a combination of the four elements in many of the Fire Emblem series of video games.Anima was also the title of a comic book published by DC Comics. It ran for 15 issues from March, 1994.
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collection wiki:
mon usage, a collection is any group of items that has one or more properties in common, usually brought together for some specific purpose. See Collecting and Collectibles.The term can also be used more specifically:In mathematics, collection is not precisely defined, but can refer to various objects. Most often it refers to a set, class, family, or multiset.In museums and art galleries, the collection of objects in a particular field forms the core basis for the museum. In music, specifically diatonic set theory, a collection is similar to a tone row; see generated collection.In a church the collection is the money collected from the congregation during a service. The congregation normally place their donation into a collection plate or bag which is passed around and returned to the priest. Collection (Oxford Colleges) â college examinations in the University of Oxford.
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