List wiki:
>This article is about the word list as used in computer science. For other uses, see list (disambiguation). In computer science, a list is usually defined as an instance of an abstract data type (ADT) formalizing the concept of on ordered collection of entities. For example, an ADT for untyped, mutable lists may be specified in terms of a constructor and four operations:a constructor for creating an empty list;an operation for testing whether or not a list is empty;an operation for prepending an entity to a list (cons);an operation for determining the first component of a list (car);an operation for referring to the list consisting of all the components of a list except for its first (cdr);
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interface wiki:
eneral usage, an interface is the point, area, or surface along which two substances or other qualitatively different things meet; it is also used metaphorically for the juncture between items. The word interface is sometimes (usually in technical disciplines) shortened to "i/f". The verb to interface means to interconnect two or more entities at a common point or shared boundary, or to prepare either entity for that purpose.
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